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How to update your WordPress plugins

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Why do you need to update WordPress plugins?

WordPress plugins provide you a wide variety of useful features, but like any other element, it gets outdated. So those people who create these plugins release newer versions. In these new versions, they fix bugs, add new features and improve security. For example in terms of security, they fix loopholes that they found. So if a hacker tries to get to your admin page through that path, he is not able to do it anymore. Obviously, you should not expect that all the bugs and other problems will be fixed in just one go. The plugin helps you to improve your website loading speed since some of the bugs got fixed. Isn’t it great news to hear. So how do you update them?

Updating your website WordPress plugins

To find out if you need to update plugins, you need to go to your admin page. Once you are there on the left side you will see the admin menu. There will be a plugin and update tab. You can choose either of those, just remember that the update section includes WordPress update possibilities. In the plugin section, in the menu section, there will be a choice “Updates Available”.

Update WordPress plugins


Plugin update and backup, how are they related?

The first thing you need to do is to check is it a minor or major update. If it is a minor update, you are not obliged to do a backup, but it is recommended to make one. On a large update, where plugin moves to the next generation it is highly recommended to make a backup. Making backup is good advice since developers can change the code it is written or change inner elements. What can make your website work incorrectly or stop working at all. If this happens you can always rewind back to the version you backed up. Also if you are not sure in your capabilities you should ask for help those who maintain your website.

To undo the WordPress plugin update you need to: first, deactivate the plugin, next you install the WP-rollback plugin. Upon activating it, go back to the plugin page and the rollback option will be available. Clicking it will propose you to rollback to any previous version.

Tips on how to manage WordPress plugins more efficiently

If you are confident in plugins that you use, you can always use the automatic update for your plugins. But for best is to allow this function only to these plugins that you are sure they do not have a huge impact on how your website works. Also, you can set up email notifications for whenever any plugin update is available. It will allow you to be aware when there is an update available without constantly logging in your WordPress website.

You should not forget about the automatic backup plugin that will allow you to restore your website. Setting this plugin to make automatic backups daily will not cost you anything, but will allow you to keep your daily changes safe.

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