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How to Change Font Size in WooCommerce

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If you’re running an online store and are using WooCommerce to manage your e-commerce operations, then you may be wondering how to customize your store and change the font size. Fortunately, WooCommerce makes it easy to modify the font size of your store’s text. In this blog post, we will guide you through each step to change the font size in WooCommerce. You don’t need to have technical expertise or be a coder, so grab your laptop and let’s get started.

Step 1: Access WooCommerce’s Customizer

The first thing you need to do to change the font size in WooCommerce is to access WooCommerce’s customizer. To do this, login to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to “Appearance” and click on “Customize”. This will take you to a new page where you can customize various aspects of your online store.

Step 2: Edit the Typography Setting

Once you’re on the customizer page, look for the Typography section. Click on it, and you’ll see the various font settings available. You’ll notice that WooCommerce offers numerous fonts and font sizes to choose from. If you’re unsure of which font size to select, we recommend selecting a font size of 16 pixels as it’s easy to read and user-friendly.

Step 3: Preview Your Changes

After selecting your preferred font size, be sure to preview your changes before publishing them. This will enable you to see how the text looks with the new font size and determine if you would like to make any further changes. You should also check the font size of texts cut off such as product titles and product categories to ensure that it fits your specifications.

Step 4: Save Your Changes

If you’re happy with your new font size, click the “Save and Publish” button to confirm and update your settings. If you’d like to cancel your changes, simply click the “x” icon in the top left of the screen. Doing so will take you back to the customization page, where you can change your settings. It’s important to note that the font size customizations will apply to all of your WooCommerce pages, including your homepage, shop, product pages, and more.

Step 5: Review Your Changes Again

Now that you’ve saved your changes, navigate to your online store to see how your new font size looks. Check all the pages to ensure that the font size fits your specifications and looks professional. If everything looks ideal, then congratulations, you’ve successfully changed the font size in WooCommerce!


In conclusion, WooCommerce provides extensive customization options to online store owners, which makes your store look more professional and user-friendly. Changing the font size in your WooCommerce store is a simple process that follows a few steps and can be done quickly. We hope this guide has been informative for you and has helped you change the font size in your online store. Now, you can focus on other aspects of your business and continue to grow your brand.

Frequently asked questions

Can I change the font size for specific elements within WooCommerce, such as product titles or prices?

Yes, you can change the font size for specific elements within WooCommerce, such as product titles, prices, or buttons, by targeting those elements with custom CSS. WooCommerce provides various hooks and classes that allow you to apply custom styles to individual elements, giving you control over their appearance and font size.

Will changing the font size in WooCommerce affect the responsiveness of my website on different devices?

Changing the font size in WooCommerce may affect the responsiveness of your website on different devices, particularly if the new font sizes are not optimized for mobile or tablet screens. It’s essential to test your website’s responsiveness after changing font sizes to ensure that text remains legible and visually appealing across various devices and screen sizes. Consider using responsive units like percentages or ems for font sizes to ensure consistent scaling across devices.

How can I ensure that changes to the font size in WooCommerce are applied consistently throughout my website?

To ensure that changes to the font size in WooCommerce are applied consistently throughout your website, use targeted CSS rules to style specific elements consistently. You can apply font size changes globally using the body or paragraph selectors, or target specific elements within WooCommerce templates using their unique classes or IDs. It’s essential to test your changes across different pages and devices to ensure consistency and readability.

Are there any performance implications or considerations when changing the font size in WooCommerce?

Changing the font size in WooCommerce typically does not have significant performance implications, as it primarily involves adjusting the appearance of text elements on your website. However, using excessively large font sizes or complex typography may impact page load times and user experience, particularly on slower devices or connections. Optimize font sizes and typography to balance visual appeal with performance considerations for an optimal user experience.

Can I revert changes made to the font size in WooCommerce back to the original state or previous version?

Yes, you can revert changes made to the font size in WooCommerce back to the original state or a previous version by removing or modifying the custom CSS rules applied to font sizes. If you’ve modified font sizes using a child theme or custom CSS plugin, simply delete or modify the relevant CSS rules to revert to the default font sizes. Alternatively, if you’ve made changes directly to WooCommerce templates, you can restore the original templates from a backup or reapply any modifications manually as needed.

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