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How to Change the Language on Your WooCommerce Store

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If you’re running an e-commerce store and using WooCommerce as your platform, you may have encountered an issue of customers who speak a different language than the default setting of your store. Fortunately, WooCommerce provides an easy way to change the language of your store, allowing you to cater to a larger audience and potentially increase your sales. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the steps of changing your store’s language on WooCommerce.

Step 1: Download Your Desired Language Pack

Before you can change the language of your store, you need to download the language pack for your desired language. WooCommerce supports over 50 languages, so make sure to choose the language that you want your store to be displayed in. To do this, go to the WooCommerce translations page and download the language pack that you need.

Step 2: Install and Activate Your Language Pack

Once you’ve downloaded the language pack, unzip the file and install it in your WordPress plugin directory. Go to the plugin section of your WordPress dashboard and search for the language you want to install. Then, click “Install Now” and “Activate.” This will enable your newly installed language pack.

Step 3: Set Your Language

Now that you’ve installed and activated your new language pack, you can set it as your store’s default language. In your WordPress dashboard, go to the WooCommerce “Settings” tab and click on the “General” tab. From there, scroll down until you see the “Language” option. Select the desired language from the dropdown menu and click “Save Changes.”

Step 4: Check Your Store’s Language

After saving your new language settings, go ahead and check if your store’s language is displaying correctly. You can do this by going to your store’s homepage and checking whether the language has changed. If it hasn’t, try to clear your cache and refresh your store’s page.

Step 5: Finishing Touches

To enhance your store’s language further, you can also change the wording on your checkout page, email notifications, and other crucial sections of your store. You can do this by using a translation plugin like “Loco Translate” or “Polylang” to customize the language according to your needs. Additionally, consider providing translation services or support to your customers to make sure that they can navigate your store easily.


There you have it! By following the steps outlined above, you can easily change the language of your WooCommerce store, making it more accessible and customer-friendly. Remember to download your desired language pack, install and activate it, set it as your store’s default language, check if it’s displaying correctly, and add the finishing touches for a seamless experience. With these simple tips, you’re on your way to reaching out to a whole new audience and boosting your sales!

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