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How to Link Pages on WordPress Websites

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Linking pages within your website is a great way to keep visitors engaged and interested in the content you have. Properly linking pages allows for users to easily navigate throughout your site, making it easier for them to access the information they are looking for. For those with WordPress websites, here are some tips on how you can link pages within your site.

Creating Links Within Posts or Pages

The easiest way to create links between two posts or pages is directly within the post or page itself. You can do this by highlighting the text that you want to link and then clicking on the “Link” button located in the toolbar above the post/page editor. This will bring up a window where you can enter in the URL of whichever page you want to link, and it will automatically create a link when you hit “Apply”. You don’t even need to leave the post/page editor to do this!

Adding Links in Menus

You can also add links directly into menus which is especially helpful if you want your visitors to be able to quickly access certain pages from anywhere on your website. To do this, go into the Appearance tab on your WordPress dashboard and click Menus. From there, click “Add menu item” and then select which page or post that you want linked. After that, all that’s left is adding it into whatever menu you choose (or creating a new one) and saving it. It’s as simple as that!

Adding Links With Widgets

Finally, if you don’t feel like going through all of those steps but still want an easy way for people to access specific pages from anywhere on your website, widgets are a great option! All you have to do is go back into Appearance > Widgets and drag out whatever widget works best for what type of link that you want displayed (for example, if it’s just linking one page then use Text). That widget will now be visible wherever you set it up – usually across your entire web page – so users won’t have any trouble finding it!


WordPress makes linking different parts of your website easy with its variety of tools. Whether it’s through posts or pages themselves, menus, or widgets; users should never struggle trying to find their way around your website again! It may seem daunting at first but with these few simple steps anyone can learn how to easily link different parts of their WordPress Website so visitors can find what they’re looking for without any trouble at all!

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