Your Dedicated Partner for All Things WordPress

Flying Horse Design Studio Agency

How outsourcing white label WordPress maintenance and support with WPServices helped increase recurring revenue by 210%?


Flying Horse Design Studio

Christie was always an artist but never wanted to be a traditional artist to make a living. Somebody told her when she was 21 that she could design things like, brochures and websites that immediately resonated with her. Christie got started in school and once that was completed began her career in the field.

About 3 years into it Christie teamed up with a friend to build a small graphic design studio. We grew it together for 8 years then decided to part ways to follow our different paths. Since then she has been building an amazing clientele across Canada and a few folks across the globe and helping them with their graphic and web design.

Why Christie did choose WPServices

Christie was looking for a new web developer to replace, the one that was no longer able to help her team. Then after few days, Christie found WPServices by Googling “WordPress retainer”.

We started off on a small project and then took on a number of different projects over the years. She now has WPServices on WordPress development retainer for various odds and ends as well as monthly web maintenance and support.

WHY WPServices?

It’s simple and I can relax knowing things are taken care of. I wish we had this years ago when we first started out as it’s invaluable!

The Challenge

TLDR: Maintenance and support tasks were eating up all of Christie’s time. The whole story: With WordPress getting more popular, updates became a part of the daily routine. Christie was trying to get clients to keep their sites up to date. In most cases, she ended up just helping for free and that was becoming a problem especially if the update had been left for a long time. So Christie felt that there should be a solution to this problem, so she asked for an expert opinion.

There is nothing worse than an out of date site that's broken.

The Solution


WPServices took maintenance and support off Christie’s plate.

The whole story:

Christie’s challenge was solved by freeing up time and providing a service that she could easily set up for her clients.

With weekly site care reports, Christie’s clients knew that their website is being taken care of and in case of emergency they will get priority support.

What improvements did Christie notice?
Time. That’s the biggest improvement with a close runner up being fewer web issues. With more time they were able to land even more clients.

Those clients who got on a plan experienced way fewer issues over the years which meant she wasn’t putting out as many fires when sites broke.

Case Study Recap

By partnering with WPServices, Christie was able to offer her clients complete web design and development services. In fact, clients wanted this all along, they just didn’t know how it was called.

Now, Flying Horse Design Studio offers its clients a more complete, more expensive and more profitable web package.

In addition, they have increased their monthly recurring revenue by 210% and client happiness.

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In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, every website deserves the care and expertise of a professional maintenance team, ensuring optimal performance, enhanced security, and seamless user experiences, so you can focus on growing your business with peace of mind.

Alexey Seryapin
Founder of WPServices

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Alexey Seryapin
Founder of WPServices